hey whats up guys techsnix here backwith another video and in this video i'm gonna show you how to fix gpsproblem in pokemon go this should work both for ios as well asfor android users but if it doesn't then don't blame me because i've tried tocover each and every possible way that i could have to fix this first of all make sure that your devicefulfills all the requirements listed on the screen right now otherwise it won'twork now let me show you how to fix this inios then i'll show you this on android as well. so to fix this issue in ios firstof all go to settings from their scroll down
and you'll see pokemon go from theirtap on it now make sure that location is turned on and set to while using the appafter this go back and go to general from there scroll down and tap on reset from there tap on reset network settings and enter your passcode don't worry this won't delete any personal data or app from your device. this will just reset all your network settings and that's it now your problem should be or try connecting it via wifi network.
to fix this on android go to settingsfrom their go to location and make sure that location is turned on and setto high accuracy after this go back and go to apps fromtheir scroll down and tap on pokemon go and from here tap on permissions andmake sure that these all are enabled if this still doesn't fix the issue then goback and go to about phone from their scroll down and tap on build numberseveral times this will enable developer options and once this is enabledthen go back and go to developer options and from there make sure that no mock location app isset there and this should fix the issue
for you so guys that is it for this video i hopethis video helped you and if this did then don't forget to hit that thumbs upbutton below and subscribe to this channel
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